It’s Been a Bit

So, I didn’t know what to do with this space anymore. It’s always been all over the place; from hikes, to poems, to music, book reviews, personal finance, open and honesty about a LOT of things, and as you can see from this list it’s just been everywhere.

But I want to come full circle and just accept that this space is my space so I will write about whatever I want to write about and whatever sparks the mood. It could be the classic clickbait “Things I Am Currently Loving” lists or just about my pregnancy. Yes, you read that right. Currently I am 22 weeks and 6 days pregnant and boy howdy its been an interesting journey.

So, while I acknowledge that I’ve been silent and even silent on the sidelines of social media, I’ve been relishing in this silence and those moments shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Anyways here is just my formal “hello, I’m still around and yet for another time I have to make a post like this” 🤦🏻‍♀️.

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